

The Fondazione Chierese per il Tessile e per il Museo del Tessile is a multifaceted reality where, aside from Board Members and Auditors, also other people on a voluntary basis or pro-bono so that the collections in our Museum, Archive, Library and Botanical Garden may be accessible and preserved at best, in compliance with applicable standards.

Volunteers share energy and time work for the common good at their own pace and based on their availability and skills.

Some of them are available occasionally or engage in specific projects. Others come to our premises on a daily basis, thereby ensuring the conservation of the historic looms and objects in our museum, for example. We can also rely on our expert guides, who are constantly broadening their knowledge while engaging audiences in textiles.  Some other volunteers help us run our Archive, Library and Botanical Garden. 

All of them contribute to making the Foundation's activity possible, often interacting with our professional collaborators. These either work pro-bono or granting us concessionary fees on account of our legal status, history, and not-for-profit mission.



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